Value Season in Arizona Means Kitchen Exhaust Inspection Time!

From June through August is value season for the state of Arizona. What does that mean to restaurant owners who are anticipating larger crowds? Value season in Arizona means kitchen exhaust inspection time. Nothing can destroy your opportunity for commerce more readily than a kitchen exhaust fire that could be prevented through basic inspection and proper maintenance.

Tempe Arizona Restaurant Suffers from Grease Fire in Ductwork

Astro Foil Reflective Insulation

Astro-Foil Fights High Energy Costs

Well, if you haven’t noticed, we are in the dead heat of summer and things aren’t looking as they are going to get better for quite a while. With that in mind, you may be experiencing what many Arizonians are when it comes to higher utility bills due to the heat. We have fantastic news for you! Astro-Foil fights high energy costs by providing the kind of protection needed for your home in the summer and during the winter months.

Start Saving on Your Energy Bill with Astro-Foil

Commercial Pressure Washing is Arizona’s Answer to Restoring Buildings

If you are a business owner in Arizona, then you are aware of the constant upkeep that it takes to keep your establishment from gaining an unwarranted reputation. When dirt, grime and graffiti begin to take over your building, they also can take over your company image. If your property or structure looks drab or has been overrun by graffiti, then we have the answer for you. Commercial pressure washing is Arizona’s answer to restoring buildings, and KM Facility Services are the ‘go to people’ that will get the job done!

Don’t Forget the Maintenance of your HVAC Cooling Tower

Summer is here and your HVAC unit is working harder than ever before to maintain a clean, cool air supply. In the midst of summer vacations and events that fill the season with adventure, many HVAC owners tend to overlook servicing their HVAC system properly. Don’t forget the maintenance of your HVAC cooling tower, or you might be faced with bigger issues such as replacing later on.

HVAC Coil Cleaning is a Task That You Cannot Afford to Ignore

We understand that most people procrastinate when it comes to doing tedious cleaning jobs. KM Facility Services of Arizona takes pride in providing ground breaking solutions to business owners when it comes to cleaning and maintaining their HVAC units and more. HVAC coil cleaning is a task that you cannot afford to ignore. If neglected, it can cost you much more in service fees and replacement parts.

ceiling tile cleaning

KM Facility Services of AZ Takes Ceiling Tile Cleaning to New Heights

Take a close look around your office building and try to see what is causing that drab, mundane ambience that is affecting your employees and or customers. Did you look up? Many times we forget that our clients realize the whole picture, and if your ceiling tile is dirty or stained it can produce more problems than just appearances. We know all too well how dirty ceiling tile can affect not only your sales, but cause ailments to your staff and or customers. KM Facility Services of AZ takes ceiling tile cleaning to new heights.

Soda Blasts Away Grease, Mold and Graffiti and More in AZ

KM Facility Services of Arizona knows how to remove unwanted contaminants and graffiti with high pressure soda blasting.  For instance, don’t paint over graffiti; remove it once and for all. Maybe this concept is new to you, but businesses throughout the state have learned that soda blasts away grease, mold, graffiti and more in AZ. High pressure washing is an excellent way to get rid of unwanted grime, and adding soda to the wash will remove it all together. KM Facility uses soda washing for several projects such as:

Your Sluggish HVAC Unit May Need Cleaning

We are well into the season where the use of the HVAC is depended on for cool, fresh air. If the air quality in your building or home is lacking in production or freshness, you may have a problem developing on your HVAC coils. A sluggish HVAC unit may need cleaning, and KM Facility Services of AZ, are just the folks who can get the job done.

KM Facility Services Provides Fire and Smoke Penetration Sealing

Perhaps you have never considered the importance of sealing gaps within a fire resisting structure and how imperative it is to ensure that it is performed correctly. Poor fire and smoke penetration services can leave behind destruction throughout a structure and possible loss of life. KM Facility Services provides professional fire and smoke penetration sealing in Arizona.

Maintaining Your Evaporative Cooler is Necessary in AZ

If you own an evaporative cooler, then you also know that keeping it clean from debris, mold, mildew, pollen, buildup and other contaminants is vital to fresh air quality. Maintaining your evaporative cooler is necessary in AZ. Arizona is one of the leading states in the United States where evaporative coolers are in high use. Along with that fact, it is not uncommon to find these units ignored or poorly maintained for efficiency.