In Arizona, the heat is on! With that in mind, KM Facility Services of Arizona, has been assisting customers statewide by helping them stay ahead of the heat and keep their cool. Have you changed your Rigid Media pads lately or cleaned out your evaporative cooler? If not, most likely your indoor air is being compromised with microbes such as bacteria, mold and mildew, as well as, pollens and more. We want you to know that we provide Rigid Cooling Media for all of our AZ customers!
Our Service is Matchless, and Our Products are Superior!
At KM Facility Services, we carry nothing but the best in Rigid Cooling Media. The reason being is because we know that our customers depend on us to keep their indoor facilities cool and comfortable. Especially when the heat is beating down during seasonal changes. With that thought in mind, our Rigid Media are constructed differently. Unlike other brands, they contain heavier, virgin quality kraft paper and also include a much higher resin content. Do you know the importance of that? Without good quality paper and resin protection, your Rigid Media pad would disintegrate much quicker and ineffectively keep the heat out of your facility.
Don’t Spend More Money Than Needed To Keep the Cool Air Inside
Most manufacturers and evaporative cooler technicians will fail to tell you that the purchase of evaporative cooling pads add up. Our Rigid Cooling Pads are specially designed to outlast the competition so that the need for replacement of the pad extends well above other brands. It is impossible to operate an evaporative cooler without the proper Rigid Media pad and expect little maintenance issues. That is why we have surpassed the competition in providing the best products that last longer and enable your evaporative cooler to get the job done without breakdown.
Need a Customized Rigid Cooler Pad?
Some older evaporative coolers no longer supply cooling pads that fit their products. This is because manufacturers hope that you will purchase a new cooler, instead of going through all the trouble. At KM Facility Services, we custom design your Rigid Media pad, so you can continue to use your evaporative cooler as long as you wish! Give us a call at (623) 930-5490 today for all of your evaporative cooling maintenance needs. We provide service throughout AZ, including Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona areas.