Bird droppings increase this time of the year, and along with the heat and other environmental influences, your commercial investment could be looking dingy and uninviting. With professional power washing services, we offer exterior property cleaning and restoration services. Our services cover an array of pressure washing needs including commercial complexes, decks, walkways, parking lots, trash bin areas, patios, parks, drive-thrus and just about any outdoor area. At KM Facility Services of AZ, we understand the stigma that dirty storefronts, awnings and parking areas can hold when your business is trying to make a good first impression. That is why we recommend using our pressure washing services that save your company’s image and more!
Our Business Makes Your Business SHINE!
Everyday traffic, air pollution and nature all add to the decreased appearance of your investment. After a time, if left unattended, your business not only looks drab, but becomes a health hazard. We can wash away your worries with our professional pressure washing team! The truth is, if you want your customers to take pride in doing business with you, you must reflect that you are taking pride in your business. The best way to do that is to maintain a clean, healthy environment for shoppers and clients to enjoy. The first impression of your business does not happen after customers walk in the front door. Before they ever walk in the front door, they have already received their first impression of your company or brand. If they have to navigate through bird droppings and experience odors from a dingy building, plus read graffiti on the exterior walls, they will find somewhere else to do business. Our pressure washing services handle all these barriers between you and your customers, allowing you to do what you do best, and that is meeting your customer’s needs once they come through the door.
Call KM Facility Services for a FREE Quote
Ready to get rid of grime, dirt, pigeon droppings and more? Need a free quote? Give KM Facility Services of Arizona a call at (623) 930-5490. We service Arizona, including Phoenix and Tucson, AZ areas.