One of the main causes of the spread of childhood disease can be found in the HVAC air flow system. Lurking within the folds of your dirty air filter, you may find dust mites, bacteria, mold and other microbes breeding and spreading enough to affect your entire air filtration system. There is nothing like turning on your HVAC system after it has sat quietly for a few months, only to find that the air quality is poor, filled with dust and grime and emitting a strong odor. KM Facility Services of Arizona says, “Don’t forget to start the new school year with fresh air too!”
Change the Air Filters Regularly, Especially During Flu Season
Before you know it, fall will be here ushering in the flu season. One way to avoid your entire student body from becoming ill is by changing the HVAC air filters regularly. It’s a known fact that HVAC air filters, purifying air filters and other filters are capable of trapping the same germs that cause flu and other common diseases like colds, asthma and other bronchial infections. It can be a frightful thing when the school has to be closed due to an epidemic of the flu, as we saw last year over and again. Don’t let that happen to your school. Take precautions now by becoming proactive in making sure that the air quality in your school is kept clean and not transferring illness from one child to another.
Clogged Air Filters Turn HVAC’s Into Money Extracting Machines
Clogged air filters in your HVAC not only are a source of dust, dirt and disease, but they increase your energy bills and often encounter major breakdowns too! All of that can be prevented with routine HVAC air filter changes. Closing school due to a HVAC system breakdown can cost you more than you bargained for! That is why KM Facility Services offers not only air filters or commercial businesses throughout Arizona, but we also offer HVAC filter changing services and more! We provide a large variety of air filters such as Pleats, Rigid, Bags, V-cells, Panels, CELdek or HEPA’s to ensure that your commercial facility is cared for properly, and providing clean, fresh air when it counts the most!
Call KM Facility Services of Arizona for all of your air filter needs. Dirty, contaminated air can ruin your entire school year, and there is no need of it. For a free quote, call us at (623) 930-5490. We provide air filters and HVAC air filter services to all of Arizona, including Tucson and Phoenix areas.