Our team prides itself on helping business owners maintain their investment, whether it be a HVAC system, cooling tower or other business facility needs that are often difficult to keep tabs on. Arizona business owners have discovered that we are the cooling tower cleaning company that you can trust! In fact, KM Facility Services of Arizona are the go to people that businesses have learned to depend upon when it comes to protecting their investment(s)!
Deposit Corrosion Ruins HVAC Towers
Like anything else, cooling towers need routine cleaning services to remove dirt, mud, and debris from the basin. When these elements remain in the basin, uncleansed, they cause what is called deposit corrosion, and that can end up costing you as a business owner thousands of dollars in repairs! Deposit corrosion is found underneath the debris buildup in your basin, and other than being the perfect environment for microbes to form, it can cause corrosion issues due to high acidic development; all of this can be avoided with just one call to KM Facility Services of Arizona. Going unchecked, you can expect to put out an immense amount of money in repairs or in replacement, and no wise business owner wants to do just that.
How KM Facility Services Provides Cleaning Solutions That Save You Money!
Are you looking to lower your operational costs? We can help. One of the main reasons why business owners find themselves spending more money than expected on their HVAC cooling towers is because they have failed to look ahead by being proactive in the care of it. Routine maintenance schedules can save you a bundle by preventing corrosion, breakdown and long downtimes that often occur when negligence is at hand. It’s easy to be busy with other facets of your business and overlook your cooling tower, unless you have put checkpoints in place to prevent issues from arising. That is why we offer routine maintenance checks of your cooling tower, ensuring that issues do not arise that can cause your expenses to climb while your cooling tower performance decreases.
We Set Up Periodic Cooling Tower Cleaning With Our No Fuss Promise!
Cooling towers should be periodically cleaned allowing for the removal of dirt, mud and debris from the tower basin, the main reason for a barrier to develop between the water and the basin. This can then lead to lack of contact causing buildup of deposit corrosion. We provide professional Cooling Tower Cleaning services that will help you remain confident about your investment and prevent costly repairs. If you need a free quote, call KM Facility Services of Glendale, Arizona today at (623) 930-5490. We provide services throughout AZ, including Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona areas.