Evaporative Coolers are a great way to reduce energy costs. To gain the greatest benefit and savings, proper maintenance of the unit is critical and simple.
KM Facility Services can help you increase the value and efficiency of your investment and maintain a more comfortable work environment as well as enjoy healthier air. We’ll clean the cooler pad or, replace it, if necessary. Cleaning/changing the pad increases proper evaporation and helps to prevent wicking. Wicking allows water to be sucked through the airflow, adding drops of water on the fan or fan structure which then leads to corrosion. We’ll also clean the pan and, if rusted or deteriorated, use a quality product such as Pancrete or V570 to reseal and prevent further deterioration. If necessary, sandblasting can also help to remove scale build-up.
Installing and maintaining the pads of your evaporative cooler help prevent unnecessary clogging from dust, pollen, mildew and other minerals from evaporated waters and help your investment continue serving your business needs.